Our History and our present
ESTANCIAS PUPPO S.A. is a family-owned company that owes its name to the agricultural company founded in 1944 by Don D'jalma Puppo Bonino.
This company developed and grew over the years thanks to the hard work, entrepreneurial vision and love of the countryside of several generations at the head of this company.
Since the 1990s, the Agronomist Engineer D'jalma Puppo Hatchondo is in charge of his and other companies related to his family that are oriented in the production and export of agricultural products.
The agricultural company located in the center of the country is dedicated to bovine Hereford meat production, of wool and meat from Polwarth sheep. That graze 100% on natural pastures.
Exporting company
Given the volume and quality of wool production achieved in 2002, the possibility of exporting arose as a way to open up to the international market, as well as achieve better prices and be recognized abroad.
In 2002, the export and import company was created with the name ESTANCIAS PUPPO S.A. in tribute to the pioneering family business.
This being the year in which the first direct export of wool was made.
Europe was the destination of the first export, then we entered the markets of China and India.
In 2004 we began importing inputs for the agricultural sector such as: bags and bales of polyethylene wool, hardwood and steel straps for use in export bales.
In 2007 we developed a line of veterinary products that we use in our establishments and are for sale in the local market.
Since 2009 we have exported cattle and live sheep to Brazil.
In 2010 we decided to increase our export volume of fine, high-quality wool, purchasing the production of more than 500 farms, becoming today the largest exporter of fine raw wool in Uruguay.
Currently 2.5 million kg of wool are exported; In value, of 20 million dollars.
The company has RWS and Gots (organic wool) certifications, satisfying the requirements of the most demanding markets.
In this sense, we continue to look for business opportunities, in a permanent search for new markets and developing our activity in Brazil and Chile, collaborating in the improvement of wool quality, in its harvest and through incentives in marketing.
About us?
We are a Uruguayan Family company that provides services of:
Import and export of products linked to the agricultural sector.
Administration and management of rural companies.
Representation of foreign companies in Uruguay.